Rediscovering America: A test for Memorial Day

Watched yearly on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day is put aside to respect the people who have kicked the bucket in support of our nation. While Memorial Day didn't turn into an official national occasion until 1971, its starting points start with the Civil War.
The test underneath, from the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, gives a chance to you to test your insight into the historical backdrop of and customs related with Memorial Day.
1. What was Memorial Day at first called?
A. War Remembrance Day
B. Enrichment Day
C. Veterans Day
D. Military Day
2. In 1868, which previous Union general gave a request that required a national day of recognition for the individuals who passed on in the Civil War?
A. John Logan
B. Nathaniel Banks
C. George McClellan
D. Theodore Barrett
3. Noteworthy reports point to a prior day of recognition, in 1865, when liberated slaves, U.S. Hued Troops and neighborhood residents sorted out a function to respect Union soldiers who kicked the bucket close to what city?
A. Vicksburg, Miss.
B. Manassas, Va.
C. Gettysburg, Pa.
D. Charleston, S.C.
4. Different urban areas additionally guarantee to be the origin of Memorial Day. In 1966, Congress announced which city as the official origin?
A. Sharpsburg, Md.
B. Springfield, Mo.
C. Waterloo, N.Y.
D. Galveston, Texas
5. Which of the accompanying Memorial Day exercises have been systematized into law?
A. Issuance of a yearly presidential announcement
B. National Moment of Remembrance
C. Flying banners at national government structures at half-staff from day break until 12 p.m.
D. The entirety of the Above
6. The poppy is a Memorial Day and Veterans Day image of recognition and is frequently worn on one's attire. Which of the accompanying compassionate people is alluded to as "The Poppy Lady" for her job in making the convention?
A. Moina Michael
B. Dorothy Day
C. Clara Barton
D. Susan B. Anthony
7. Commemoration Day was praised on May 30 until this year, when the government assigned that the occasion must be hung on the third Monday in May?
A. 1946
B. 1954
C. 1968
D. 1975
8. Which notable national landmark was committed on Memorial Day in 1922?
A. Washington Monument
B. Jefferson Memorial
C. Lincoln Memorial
D. D.C. World War I Memorial
9. Which U.S. congressperson and veteran crusaded for a long time, until his demise in 2012, to have Memorial Day changed back to its unique date of May 30?
A. John McCain of Arizona
B. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii
C. Straightforward Lautenberg of New Jersey
D. Ernest Hollings of South Carolina
10. Somewhere in the range of 1988 and 2019, a veterans bunch arranged a Memorial Day cruiser rally in the country's cash-flow to cause to notice Vietnam-period administration faculty lost without a trace or detainees of war. What was the name of the gathering?